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ICCCI News and Activities

ICCCI Board Meeting Minutes

PLACE: 6304 E 82nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46250

Caiqing Mo 莫才清(President 理事长)
Lin Li李林Past President (上任理事长)
Xianzhong Wang 王贤忠(Secretary 秘书长)
Renhua Li 李仁华( Principal of Chinese School 中文学校校长)\
Maggie Zou 邹静(Treasurer 财务总监)
Keyun Qing 卿科云(Activity Director 活动部长)
Sijiu Liu 刘四九( Co-Activity Director 活动部长)
Lei Wang-Lockwood (王蕾 External Relations Director 外联部长)。

I. Approval of the agenda
Sijiu moved and Renhua seconded to approve the agenda. All other members voted to approve the agenda.

II. Discussion items

1. Discussion of compensation for board members
Various options were discussed at the meeting whether to compensate board members. All agreed not to have
compensation fbr board members fbr now.
2. Review and plan fbr investment in 2018  (Renhua)
Renhua updated the board on the investment fbr 2017. All members agreed to increase the proportion in
investment in equity. Details will be discussed at the next meeting.
3. Update on ICCCI fund
Caiqing updated the board on the fund from Lilly United Way donation to ICCCI, Lilly volunteer fund
application to ICCCI  (by 45 Lilly employees in 2017) , and Indy Chinese Lantern Festival. The total income
from the lantern festival and dragon dancing is approximately $5300.
4. Future events, including Bridgewater Senior House, children’s museum, Carmel High School,
Chinatown Parade in Chicago and possibly at a Pacers Game
ICCCI will bring programs to Bridgewater Senior House in Carmel (01/20), Children’s Museum of
Indianapolis (01/27),  Carmel High School ( 02/01)  and Chinatown Parade in Chicago (02/25). ICCCI will
reach out to Pacers for possible half-time performance in a future game.
5. Discussion on property purchase
Will discuss this item at the future meetings.

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