


Chinese Organizations

印州中美商会致力于促进印州和中国之间的经济, 贸易和投资发展, 是一个独立和非营利性的成员组织。印州美中商会是中国和印州商业发展的桥梁。印州美中商会的宗旨在于加强印地安纳州与中国的商业往来,促进可持续性的经济发展,扶植商业领导人材,培育两国文化互仰。










Indiana Association of Chinese Americans, Inc(IACA)is a State registered not-for-profit organization established in 1973. IACA is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. The main goals and objectives of IACA are:

  • To foster constructive citizenship on the part of Chinese Americans in the State of Indiana, and the nation.
  • To cultivate the understanding and the appreciation of both American and Chinese cultural heritages.
  • To enrich the Indiana society with Chinese American contributions.
  • To improve the overall well being of Chinese Americans in Indiana.

IACA was originally established in 1973 as Indianapolis Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. and in 1999, it was renamed to Indiana Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. to encompass a larger membership around the states. In the early ’70s, a group of local Chinese Americans met once a month for lunch to share their everyday experiences and to lead support for each other and their families. The popularity of this monthly luncheon continued to grow and the need for an organization to provide social activities and a variety of services was inevitable. In November 1973, the founding members filed the IACA constitution with the State. Officers for the following years were elected and IACA was born.

Through the years, most of the social activities provided to our membership were focused on the celebration of Chinese culture and traditions such as Chinese New Year and other festivals, in an attempt to keep alive our heritage and to pass them on to the next generation and beyond. Friends and other organizations have been invited to these gatherings to share and celebrate our cultural heritage and it has proven to be very successful.

IACA has participated in countless community cultural projects and educational outreach programs. IACA has long established its presence in the annual International Festival since 1976 and has won awards for its cultural displays. Our ‘Lion Dance’ team is well recognized in our cultural community. IACA has collaborated with the International Center of Indianapolis and other local professional organizations in co-sponsoring cultural exhibitions, concerts and recent performances from the Inner Mongolian Dance Troupe and the Beijing Orchestra. IACA participates in programs at the Children’s Museum, providing cultural materials, speakers to local schools and colleges. Through corporate sponsorship, scholarships were awarded to our qualified IACA youths from the annual Telamon High School Scholarship Program. IACA has also participated in the USA Bicentennial Anniversary celebration and in establishing a Sister City with Taipei, Taiwan, and a Sister State with Zhejiang Province, China.

IACA currently publishes a quarterly newsletter to communicate information and progresses to our members, an annual membership directory that serves as a tool for our members to exchange information and network. IACA has been working diligently and continuously fine-tuning its services and programs to meet the needs of our growing and changing community.

印第安纳波利斯-杭州姊妹城市(Indianapolis-Hangzhou sister city). In December of 2008 Hangzhou, located in China’s Zhejiang province, became Indianapolis‘ fifth sister city.


  • 印第安纳跑步爱好者的地盘,健康快乐、积极向上、约跑、训练、参赛、交流
  • 无组织无纪律无约束无收费
  • 跑多跑少 跑快跑慢 丰俭由人 没有压力
City of Carmel Sister Cities

Sister Cities were created to promote peace through people-to-people relationships. They offer the flexibility to allow connections to form between communities that are mutually beneficial and take on issues that are most relevant to the partners.

Evolved from Columbus Chinese Association-Taiwan(CCA-Taiwan), a non-profit organization since 1990s, in 2000, a group of people from both Taiwan and China formed Columbus Chinese School(CCLS) which attracted broad community support. The board members of CCA–Taiwan then decided to change the name of the organization to Columbus Chinese Association(CCA) to support the CCLS as well as to include all overseas Chinese. This move gained great support from the Chinese community and glued the people and resources in a better way.

The mission of CCA is to offer and promote Chinese Language and Culture to the local community of Columbus, Indiana.

Indianapolis Chinese Medical Association was originally organized in 1997 and became registered as a nonprofit organization in 2006. ICMA is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. The main goals and objectives of ICMA are:

  • Serving the Chinese community with free medical consultations;
  • Facilitating communication and networking among Chinese physicians;
  • Promoting friendship and collaboration among ICMA members and other Asian-American organizations in Indiana.

Qualification for Membership: any individual with a M.D., D.O., M.B., D.D.S., whether or not practicing in the State of Indiana, and/or any individual directly involved with patient care, including, without limitation, chiropractor, nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, physical therapist, or pharmacist, who supports the purposes, goals, objectives and programs of ICMA is eligible for Membership.

One of the primary activities of ICMA is the Free Medical Consultation, which is held annually. Various medical specialists have volunteered their valuable time and skill at the consultations, including physicians from Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Pain Management, Physical Medicine, Medical Oncology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology, Pathology, Radiology, Chinese Traditional Medicine, and Dentistry. Additionally, a pharmacist, nurse and medical assistant have also participated in the consultation.

Other activities that provide an opportunity to promote friendship, networking and education include the summer picnic, annual dinner meeting and journal club meetings. The ICMA Health Newsletter, which is published monthly, pertains to and promotes healthy living and lifestyles, as well as healthy aging.

Chinese School of Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis (CSCCCI) is the oldest Chinese school in Carmel, Indiana. The current enrollment is over one hundred and thirty students from about ninety families. Most students are Chinese Americans, and the parents are Chinese immigrants from Taiwan, Mainland China, and other Asian countries.

印城华夏文化中心–中文学校 Indianapolis Chinese Community Center, Inc. (ICCCI)–Chinese School.

印城华夏文化中心 ( http://indy-chinese.com) 成立于己于 1995 年。是美国联邦政府批准的非营利性团体,目前拥有包括中文学校、合唱团、舞蹈队、舞龙舞獅队等文化教育和交流的功能组织, 担负着为社区提供中文文化教育 , 组织与协调印城华人文化活动的职能 . 印城华夏文化中心的宗旨为促进印城文化多样化,促进美中文化交流,为社区提供中文教育,为华人社区提供多样服务。印城华夏文化中心自成立以来,为社区提供了中文教育,青少年启蒙和发展 , 华人社区文化活动,美中文化交流等服务。在中文学校服务的基础上,印城华夏文化中心每年都举办大型年度迎新春春节文艺晚会,为印城华人提供庆祝新春佳节的去处,印城华夏文化中心还为华人社区提供每半年一次的免费医疗咨询服务,印城华夏文化中心积极参加印城地区的国际文化交流活动,印城华夏文化中心在每年一度的印第安娜州国际节中提供以中华文化为主题的展出,并登台表演中华传统舞蹈,印城华夏文化中心的舞龙舞獅队和舞蹈队还参加年度全美知名的印第安娜波利斯五百英里汽车大赛传统游行并代表印城华人社区表演了舞龙舞獅和中国传统服装和腰鼓。印城华夏文化中心并与美国中国儿童领养家庭协会印州分会(FAMILY WITH CHILDREN FROM CHINA, FCC INDIANA)共同主办年度中华传统夏令营。 印城华夏文化中心受到印城各社区部门、团体、以及企业的支持和赞助。从一九九七年以来的活动得到了礼来制药公司,印城艺术委员会的财政资助,同时华夏文化中心的会员和当地热心的华人也通过 UNITIED WAY 作出捐献。印城华夏文化中心的中文学校也得到了当地学区在物质上的支持,当地的小学、高中、和职业教育中心都免费向印城华夏文化中心教室供中文学校授课使用。

ICCCI Chinese School is established in 1995. ICCCI Chinese School has become comprehensive Chinese School in central Indian now. ICCCI Chinese School includes 12 levels and more than 16 classes. Student ages are from 4-year-old pre K Chinese class to 17-18 year old high school class. ICCCI Chinese School has also established three Chinese as Second Language classes. Two CSL classes are for FCC children and children are from American family who are interested in Chinese. One CSL class is for adult. ICCCI Chinese School use Ji Nan University Chinese text book for foreign country as text book. The teaching goal is that all students are able to read, listen, write and speak fluent Chinese when they graduate from ICCCI Chinese School. ICCCI Chinese School also establishes several after school programs base on children’s need. Our after school programs include drawing class, Mathematics class, Olympic mathematics class, Chinese fold dancing class, Ballet dancing class, Chinese gongfu(martial art) class and adult TiJi class.

The Lilly Chinese Culture Network was formed in 1995 to build a Chinese community at Lilly that enhances the working and living environment and improves the multicultural competency of all Lilly employees. Its mission is to:
  • Create, promote, and build a spirit of fellowship, friendliness, unity and loyalty in daily contact with one other.
  • Foster and organize activities for education and entertainment.
  • Provide networking support to one another in becoming successful Lilly employees.
CCN activities include:
  • Celebrating annual events (Chinese New Year Gala, Moon Cake Festival, Chinese Culture Week).
  • Hosting visitors from Lilly Asia Operation (employees and guests).
  • Hosting monthly communication forums and seminars about engaging with the Lilly culture.
  • Holding monthly lunch seminars.
CCN also has two subgroups: the Book Club and the Chinese Working Mother Club.

Indianapolis Chinese Performing Arts (ICPAI) – 印城中华艺术团, is a not-for-profit organization established in 2004 with the following missions:

Organize and prepare Chinese traditional and cultural related shows, dances and performances. Perform and show at local cultural, celebration, and recreational related events.

Promote Chinese traditional Tai Chi and other martial arts.

Introduce cross culture performing arts and dances to Chinese community.

Promote performing arts by organizing classes and activities for all age groups.

Promote and support culture related activities such as exhibitions, shows and exchange programs.

普渡中国学生学者联谊会 Purdue University Chinese Students and Scholars Association

普渡大学中国学生学者联谊会(PUCSSA)是由普渡大学的中国学生学者自发组织、正式注册的一个非政治性、非盈利性团体,于1991年在普渡成立。联谊会作为一个在美中国学生学者的民间组织,积极秉承及弘扬爱祖国,爱人民的中华民族优良传统,为普渡中国学生学者提供服务,帮助华人群体更快更好的融入美国社会,以促进中美文化交流。我会现有会员千人以上,会员组成包括港澳台以及大陆两岸三地的学生学者。我会向普渡所有华人开放,只要承认联谊会章程,都可获准成为会员 (加入我们: www.pucssa.org/maillist ; Facebook group: PUCSSA)。 目前,PUCSSA是普渡大学里会员最多的非官方学生团体。同时也已成为普渡大学八百多个学生团体中服务与贡献最显著的其中一个。1997年11月,联谊会被普渡大学有关方面授予最佳学生团体奖。另据ISS报告指出,目前普渡也是全美大学中中国学生学者群体最多的一所学校。



自1991年成立以来,联谊会接待祖国来的新同学,欢庆中国传统节日及国庆,组织应时应节的聚会和文体活动,提供网络联系、信息服务和介绍保险,为 同学争取团体优惠,保护会员权益,并且协助同学在新生登记、护照延期、婚姻手续以至突发事故与领事馆联系。联谊会下属多个球队、卡拉OK俱乐部、DV俱乐 部、舞蹈协会、乐队,还是气功、武术等全校性俱乐部的主要支持者。联谊会积极促进中美文化交流,参与本地多元文化活动(食品节,全球文化节,国际学生节 等),弘扬中国文化,协助中国文化团体访问和学术交流。PUCSSA已成为普渡大学八百多个学生团体中服务与贡献最显著的其中一个。1997年11月,联 谊会被普渡大学有关方面授予最佳学生团体奖。


每个留学生都有紧张的学业和对前途的紧凑计划。但是,每年都需要,也有,部份同学站出来担任联谊会执委会和各个部门干事,义务为大家服务。他们对华人社区的贡献带动起更多同学,组织起大家需要的活动。可以说,普渡联谊会是由每年轮换的一群义务服务者运行着的。 (PUCSSA志愿者注册Email: pucssavolunteer@gmail.com)

虽然这群义务服务者的出现主要是靠志愿而不是纯粹由选举产生,大家的投票却能成为一种信任和监督。每年,经大家提名或自我推荐下一届执委会干事候选 人,由当届执委会与候选人集体商量组阁方案,并交全体会员投票产生,任期一年。主席不能连任。部门干事由执委会确定。执委会不是行政,他们靠自己的服务、 动员和协调来组织起各部门干事和广大会员。执委会内实行决策民主,各有分工,主席协调。联谊会的工作量和活动内容完全取决于该届参与同学的多少、他们的决 策以及他们的时间和精力。

基于自发性和非盈利性质,联谊会需要筹集和接受各方面的赞助、捐款来维持必要的活动开支。任何赞助和捐款都不以影响联谊会的独立性为条件。根据经 费,联谊会可以决定当年是否收取某些费用。根据普渡大学学生团体规章,联谊会经批准可以在校园里作非盈利性经营,如销售、收取门票等。其收支须经学校财务,用于团体活动。

PUCSSA is the largest and most active student organization on Purdue campus. PUCSSA received a Presidential Excellence Award in 1997 and Motor Board Award in 2000, selected from 850 student organizations at Purdue, by the Purdue Student Government.

Believe it or not, PUCSSA is run by volunteers. Each year, a group of students voluntarily work for the Chinese community and Purdue community. They contribute their spare time and even their own money and facilities. Through these volunteers (mostly, current PUCSSA officers and activists), more Chinese students get involved in the services and self-services. Those activities listed above are all done by volunteers.

Join in PUCSSA: www.pucssa.org/maillist

Join in Facebook Group: PUCSSA

PUCSSA Contact Email: cssapurdue@gmail.com

PUCSSA Volunteer Sign up: pucssavolunteer@gmail.com

PUCSSA Website: www.pucssa.org

PUCSSA Mailing Address:

Purdue University,

Stewart center box 616,

West Lafayette, IN, 47907

圣母大学中国学生学者联谊会 Notre Dame Chinese Friendship Association
Welcome New Students!
  • Please refer to New Students Handbook for detailed information about life at Notre Dame.
  • To receive emails from NDCFA, please click here to join the NDCFA email-recipients list.
  • To join NDCFA google list , please click here
  • Airport pick-up:
    • For incoming students:
      • We are organizing volumteers to pick you up from South Bend Reigional Airport (SBN) and Coach USANotre Dame station.
      • Coach USA shuttle bus is available from Chicago O’hare Airport (ORD), Chicago Midway Airport (MDW) and South Bend Regional Airport (SBN) to Notre Dame campus. You can check the bus schedule and buy the ticket on the Coach USA official website, note that group discount may be available.
      • If you need our vonlumteers to come and pick you up, please email us at  ychen12@nd.edu once you have booked your flight with the following information:
      • Your name, your_net_id@nd.edu, and any other way of contact you prefer.
      • The program you are entering, eg., Ph.D. in Computer Science Dept.
      • When and where you want us to pick you up.
      • Where we should drop you off.
    • For vonlunteers:
      • We highly appreciate your willing to carry on the wonderful tradition in our community.
      • Please send the following information to  ychen12@nd.edu
      • Your name, your_net_id@nd.edu, and any other way of contact you prefer.
      • The program or position you are in, eg., Ph.D. in Computer Science Dept.
      • Which time frame you are available to help and other preferences if any
Indiana State University student clubs
  • Chinese Student & Scholar Association, Xueliang Liu, president, (812) 237-7335
  • Hong Kong Student Association, Jane Wong, president, (812) 237-7561
  • Taiwanese Student Association, Yu-Ping Chen, president, (812) 299-011


2929 East 96th Street, #E, Indianapolis, IN 46240, U.S.A. TEL:1-317-580-0979

哥城华人协会、中文学校,Columbus Chinese Association (CCA)and Columbus Chinese Language School (CCLS)

CCA is to offer and promote Chinese Language and Culture to the local community at Columbus , Indiana .

印第安纳大学学生学者联谊会 Indiana University Chinese Student and Scholar Association

为了更好的帮助新来的同学做好临行前的准备和到来后尽快的适应新的生活 , 我们会尽可能的为你提供所需要的帮助和服务 . IUCSSA 的网站和新生手册里有许多生活学习方面的信息 , 请注意查看 . 如果有任何其他的问题 , 请与我们及时取得联系 .

Indiana University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (IUCSSA) is one of the earliest established Asian student organizations in Indiana University. After 20 years of hard work by board members of IUCSSA, we have established our role as the representative of Chinese students and scholars in IU, as well as a respected group in IU’s Asian community. Our representative role is also recognized by Consulate of China in Chicago. Like any other Chinese student associations in the United States and Canada, our mission is to serve fellow Chinese students and scholars, bond our Chinese community, and promote Chinese culture. We try our best to create a second home for students and scholars from China and help them succeed in their academic or career life. We organize activities to build up a tight relationship between all the Chinese in IU as one united group. We reinforce our culture to make the whole community understand and aware more about Chinese culture, and the affecting issue about China. Every Chinese student, scholar, faculty, staff, and their spouse and families are considered members of IUCSSA. Today, IUCSSA has over 700 members. And our annual Chinese New Year celebration is one of the largest Asian cultural events on campus have participated in most of the big events that related to Chinese in Bloomington area. Besides holding large and small cultural events, IUCSSA also organizes pure entertaining activities such as cook out or ski trips. And we actively participate in events held by other University organizations as well, such as Mr. and Ms Asia and other sporting events. IUCSSA committee consists of a group of young and dedicated students who have been contributing an enormous amount of their time and energy into helping others. At the same time, our committee members showcase their various talents and sharpen their leadership, interpersonal, and other “soft” skills. If you are interested in this committee, visit here and contact us! We understand that it can take some time for newcomers to get comfortable with a new environment. That is why we are here to help you. If you are a newcomer, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to China-list and IUCSSA 贴吧 .(See China-list ) If you have any questions or concerns, please do not be hesitated to contact us. (See Contact us ) We will do our best to make IU your second home away from home!

IUPUI–中文学校 IUPUI–Chinese School

IUPUI Chinese School resides at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis campus. The school was established in 1999, by a group of Chinese parents for the purpose of teaching their children Chinese language and Chinese culture. The school is affiliated with the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures at IUPUI as part of its outreach programs. Although the majority of students are from Chinese families (by origin), students from non-Chinese families are also welcome.

美中国儿童领养家庭协会印州分会Families with Children from China-Indiana

FCC Indiana is a a chapter of a national network of families who have had the privilege of adopting their children from China. We are a voluntary, non-profit organization, independent of any particular adoption agency. As a parent-to-parent resource network, we provide support for Indiana families who have either adopted from China, are in the midst of adoption paperwork or are waiting families. FCC Indiana also provides support on a regular basis to children that remain in the welfare institutes or orphanages. For more information on becoming a member of FCC Indiana, please go to our About FCC Indiana page or download a 2007 FCC Indiana membership form . We remain grateful to the China Center of Adoption Affairs, Chinese Social Welfare Institutes, and international adoption agencies for their role in uniting our families with our precious children.

印城华人基督教会,(Chinese community church), 116th and Keystone in Carmel.

1968年間,一群基督徒在神的引導下,於印城開始查經班的工作。最先,他們使用North Minister Presbyterian教堂聚會並且於1973年11月定名為「印城華人教會」;在1974年秋改借Meridian Street Methodist教堂聚會,最後在1982年買下座落在56街和Broadway交接口的一所教堂,從此才正式擁有屬於自己的聚會場所。近年來由於人數的增長和使用空間的不足,於1999年6月神恩待我們,使教會得以搬遷並買下現址。


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