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ICCCI News and Activities

ICCCI Chinese School 2022 Spring Semester Registration


Dear students, parents, and ICCCI community members:

Hope you all are doing well!

After 18 months of virtual online classes, ICCCI Chinese School originally planned to offer in-person classes for the Spring semester of 2022 at Carmel High School.  However, with the emergence of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, there are increased public health concerns.  The latest survey of school parents showed that about 60% of parents prefer online virtual learning. So for the 2022 Spring Semester, we will offer online classes.

 Currently, the online registration is open.  Online registration will close at 5 pm on January 17, 2022.

There are several changes to class registration.  

  • First, ICCCI created a new website (https://indychinese.org/) (note; the domain is ORG, not COM), and all registration will be done on this website.  First-time users, please create a new account for yourself.  The login information from the old website will not be transferred.
  • Tuition payment will be processed online during registration using PayPal and Debit/Credit card.
  • Tuition prices were adjusted to reflect the increase in textbook fees, school insurance cost, credit card processing cost, and new website design cost. This is the first tuition increase since 2007 for ICCCI Chinese School.

The 1st day of the Spring semester will be on January 16, 2022.   The school calendar for Spring semester 2022 is attached.    

Please complete your registration as early as possible to help the school with the planning.   

Spring semester 2022 is the second half of the 2021-2022 school year.  Since the current semester offers a limited number of classes due to enrollment, the choice for next semester will also be limited.  We hope to offer all classes starting Fall 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact us at ICCCI@yahoo.com.

ICCCI Chinese School.


 ICCCI 中文学校2022年春季学期注册通知




经过18个月的在线课程,ICCCI中文学校原计划在卡梅尔高中开设2022年春季学期的面对面课程。 然而,随着 COVID-19 Omicron 变体的出现,公众健康问题日益受到关注。 对学校家长的最新调查显示,大约 60% 的家长更喜欢在线学习。 因此,2022 年春季学期,我们继续提供在线课程。

目前,网上报名已开放。在线注册将于 2022 年 1 月 17 日下午 5 点关闭。


首先,ICCCI网站 (www.indy-chinese.com) 因技术支撑老旧,无法继续运行. 请使用新网站(https://indychinese.org)(注意,域名是ORG,不是COM)旧网站的登录信息在新网站无效。所有新旧使用者,都需要为自己在新网站创建一个帐户注册只能在这个网站上进行

可以使用 PayPal、借记卡或信用卡在线直接支付学费,方便快捷。


春季学期的第一天是 1 月 16 日。随信附上 2022 年春季学期的校历

2022 年春季学期是 2021-2022 学年的下半年。由于本学期因招生人数有限,开的课程也有限,可能影响下学期的选择。我们希望从 2022 年秋季开始恢复提供所有课程。

如果您有任何问题,请通过 ICCCI@yahoo.com 与我们联系。


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