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AI and Website Utilization

AI and Website Utilization

Teacher:  Jessica Ding

9 yrs to 14 yrs

Location: Carmel High School

Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Room: E129



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Teacher: Jessica Ding

This course introduces students to essential digital tools, responsible internet use, AI applications, and creative digital skills. Topics include internet safety, Google tools, AI chatbots like ChatGPT, creative writing with AI, design using Canva, basic and advanced Photoshop, academic research with Google Scholar, website building, interactive content creation, and video storytelling. Students will develop skills in creating presentations, portfolios, and digital art while exploring the ethical use of technology. The course concludes with a final project showcasing their learning and reflecting on the role of AI and digital tools in enhancing creativity and learning. 这门课程介绍了基本的数字工具、互联网安全、人工智能应用和创意数字技能。内容包括谷歌工具、ChatGPT、AI写作、Canva设计、Photoshop基础和进阶、Google Scholar学术研究、网站建设、互动内容和视频制作。学生将学习如何制作演示文稿、作品集和数字艺术,并探索技术的伦理使用。课程最后将通过一个项目展示学生的学习成果,并思考人工智能和数字工具在创意和学习中的作用。


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