


ICCCI News and Activities

2024 ICCCI 中文学校秋季开学通知

First Day:   Sunday, Aug 11,   2024

Location:   Carmel  High School

Address:    520 E. Main Street Carmel, IN 46032

Duration:  1:00-4:50 p.m.

ICCCI 中文学校2024年秋季学期开学通知

      印城华夏文化中心中文学校(ICCCI Chinese School) 创建于1995年,目前拥有近两百名注册学生,已发展成为印州最大的华人中文学校。 中文教学开设了从学前班到9年级15个班级;同时,学校还有数学, 书法, 美术, 武术, 唱歌,舞蹈, 国际象棋, 围棋和电脑编程等17个兴趣班和课外辅导班,以充分满足孩子们承袭华夏文化,快乐成长的全面发展需要。
      我校秋季课程即将于2024年8月11日(周日)正式开始, 请各位家长在ICCCI网上为孩子直接注册报名并付款,网址: https://indychinese.org/2024-fall-semester-registration/,  家长也可以在8月11日和8月18日来我校为孩子现场报名(下午1点到5点之间),现场注册学校将收取手续费$20。
    我校位于Carmel High School(520 East Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032)。
    Attachments (附件): 学期课程 和 学期日程。
    如果您有任何问题请联系iccci@yahoo.com, 谢谢!
ICCCI Chinese School 2024 Fall Semester Announcement
Established in 1995, ICCCI (Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc.) Chinese School has developed into the largest Chinese school in Indiana. The school has around 200 registered students, who study Mandarin and extra-curricular programs on weekends. Language classes start from pre-K to grade 9. Extra-curricular activity classes provide your children with ample choices among math, calligraphy, painting, martial arts, singing, dance, chess, go game, computer coding, and more.
The 2024 Fall semester will start from August 11,2024. The onsite registration will be available on August 11th and 18th between 1pm to 5pm. Onsite registration will charge $20 service fee. Sincerely encourage parents to register and arrange the payment online directly. Website:


ICCCI Chinese School is located at the Carmel High School (520 East Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032)
Attached please find the classes offered and the school calendar for Fall 2024.
If you have any questions please contact iccci@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Picture of McCardel, Janna

McCardel, Janna

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