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ICCCI News and Activities



印城华夏文化中心成立于 1995 年。是美国联邦政府批准的非营利性团体,目前拥有 包括中文学校,合唱团,舞蹈队,龙獅队等文化教育和交流的功能组织,担负着为社区提 供中文文化教育,组织与协调印城华人文化活动的职能。印城华夏文化中心的宗旨为促进 印州文化多样化,促进美中文化交流,为社区提供中文教育等多样服务;并努力提升华人 形象, 发挥华人影响力,维护华人权益。

因中心业务拓展需要,现面向全社区诚邀有志有识之士加盟。 1、招聘人数:2 人 2、招聘职位:印城华夏文化中心理事会成员
3、任职期限: 4 年

4、工作地点:Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield 及周边地区

5、主要职责:和其他志愿者义工们通过组织教育, 文化, 艺术和体育等社区活动, 持续推进华人社会的文化影响力和生活品质, 并向所有爱好和愿意传播中华文化的热心人 士提供交流和发挥的平台。我们提倡以包容和参与的精神, 促进社区服务。

6、工资待遇:纯粹义工 – 不发工资,也无待遇 7、报名方式:自荐或推荐,请发邮件投送简历到 Board4ICCCI@gmail.com 8、报名日期: 即日起到 2022 年 4 月 29 日(星期五) 9、面试日期:2021年4月30日 – 2021年5月8日 (Zoom meeting)

印城华夏文化中心理事会 2022年4月10日

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Positions for ICCCI Board of Directors


The Indianapolis Chinese Community Center, Inc. (ICCCI) is a not-for-profit and volunteer-supported community organization registered in the State of Indiana since 1995. ICCCI is composed of people who have an interest in and passion for facilitating the establishment of a diverse community through education of the Chinese language and cultural exchange activities. ICCCI is the largest Chinese American community center and Chinese cultural activity organization across central Indiana.

We are looking for individuals who are passionate about the mission of ICCCI and enjoy Chinese culture – to make life better for people around the community, and to provide high quality and inclusive educational, health, cultural, and social service programs that contribute to cultural diversity in central Indiana by involving a variety of social and community activities.

1、Position available: Two
2、Position Title: ICCCI Board of Directors
3、Position Duration: Four years 4、Location: Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, etc.

5、Main Duties/Responsibilities: Work with other ICCCI Board of Directors and volunteers and community members to organize inclusive educational, cultural, health, and social programs activities and events to improve what is essential to the social well-being of the Chinese community and all people who enjoy Chinese cultures in central Indiana.

6、 Salary: Volunteering without pay
7、Registration/Application: please send your resume to Board4ICCCI@gmail.com 8、Registration/Application Deadline: Friday, April 29th, 2022
9、Interviewing Schedule: April 30th – May 8th, 2022 (Zoom meeting)

ICCCI Board of Directors

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Picture of McCardel, Janna

McCardel, Janna

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